Portrait of a woman looking out the window

Portrait of a woman looking out the window

Klim Publiching 2015 : Malene Friis Andersen / Author on the book : `Stop stress`

Malene Friis Andersen og Marie Kingston Klim Publiching 2015 : Authors on the book : `Stop stress`

Sanjay Vishwakarma Consultant and Therapist at Insight Astrological Advice

Portrait of a women who cheers.

Portrait of a woman in the rainy weather

Portrait of a young model.

Klim Publiching 2015 Mystery and criminal book's author Martin Jensen

Klim Publiching 2015 Mystery and criminal book's author Martin Jensen

Portraits of actors working at the Katapult Theatre

Randi Wetke: Clinical Associate Professor, speech perception in medico-legal assessment of hearing disabilities

Nønne Mai Svalholm is Artistic Director of SVALHOLM – Danish Cultural Exchange & Performing Art

Portrait of a teacher in training for the F.O.F. magazine for Adult liberal education